Prophet 2001

The National Council on Crime and Delinquency (Now Evident Change) is America’s oldest nonprofit focusing on helping at-risk youth and local communities respond to crime. NCCD’s Prophet was one of its flagship products and was used by law enforcement and social welfare agencies across the United States to help in forecasting prison and parole populations.

Ted Harris developed the next-generation version of Prophet, expanding its core functionality to simulate the aging and health of the prison population.  The enhancements enabled the software to better forecast recidivism and healthcare usage, which are highly correlated with age and prior health conditions, thus allowing NCCD to enter new markets, healthcare facilities, and ex-convict relief agencies.   

The software simulated the prison and parole populations using data from local and federal agencies. Ted created the next-generation product using a new software language that better integrated with existing customer data infrastructure. Also, he created a framework to enable future software development beyond the initial use case such as a routing tool for emergency admission to crisis centers.

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